How long is long ago? How far is far away? Edward is concerned about climate change and diminishing resources and so many other modern world issues while one hundred years earlier Molly lives on the eve of the Great War and wonders what that means for her family, especially her father and older brothers. Two children separated by both time and distance find themselves on an incredible adventure that shows them that one hundred years can be meaningless if you discover the right door. And the key that unlocks the door is found in a package that they both receive on their tenth birthday, a key that proves how magically you can connect when you connect with reading.

2014: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals




What is going on with Claire and why is she acting so spaced out? Everything she has been saying and doing since the day began just doesn’t add up. To make matters worse there are times that Jonno feels like everything that is going on has happened before. How can it be that two friends that have known each other for so long suddenly feel like they’re worlds apart? Throw two crazy scientists who insist that the school has been invaded by aliens into the mix and we have an adventure of galactic proportions!

2013: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2014: New Zealand tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2014: UK tour produced by West End In Schools.



1The musical And The Winner Is… begins with two friends, Jonno and Claire, preparing to share an exciting story with the audience. However their storytelling becomes disrupted when the story that they are telling diverges. Jonno wants to tell an exciting story that takes place on a school sports day that he had been preparing in secret for whereas Claire has a story she wants to tell about an exciting find her father made at a jumble sale that she has brought to show her class. What evolves is an exploration of the modern Olympic Games and some of the more unusual events that were competed at during its history where the intellect and artistic ability were as integral as sporting prowess.


2012: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2012: UK tour - produced by West End In Schools
2013: New Zealand tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals



Having to clean up an old storeroom certainly didn't appear to be an interesting way to spend a holiday, but that was before Claire discovers that adventures can begin in the most unexpected places!

What she finds there turns everything upside down as seemingly ordinary objects propel her not only from place to place but backwards and forwards through time. The books Claire encounters along the way are promising an explanation for it all if only she could put the pieces of the crazy puzzle together...

Our brand new Book Week musical will take audiences on a journey that is totally amazing as we explore and celebrate the Children's Book Week theme for 2011, "One World, Many Stories".

Watch a selection of 2011 CBC Shortlisted Books come to life, encouraging students to engage with reading in an active and energetic manner while at the same time exploring issues of how children relate to an ever changing world.

2011: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2012: New Zealand tour - produced by Perform! Eduacational Musicals
2012/3: UK tour - produced by West End in Schools



One wrong move and it may all be over... Claire never intended this to happen and now she was learning the hard way that a thoughtless word can lead a kid into all kinds of trouble!

It was going to take some kind of miracle for her to find her friend Oliver and get back home before anyone realised they were missing. Strangest of all they were missing AT HOME, sucked through the TV screen to a virtual world where anything could happen and nobody is at the controls!

Join Claire on a new musical adventure celebrating Book Week 2010 as she seeks a way to get back home Across The Story Bridge. This brand new, original musical is written and performed by the best creative professionals in the industry - coming direct into your school! It will inspire and involve students of all primary ages about books and reading while exploring the importance of considering the impact of our words and deeds on others.

JUMP TO IT! is an adventure story about how books can contribute to our personal development. Featuring a selection of the 2010 CBC Short Listed Books, this fun packed musical is a cautionary tale of getting lost in the digital world, but most of all it is a wonderful celebration of friendship told in a way that will appeal to all primary ages.

2010: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2011: New Zealand tour produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2011/12: UK tour produced by West End in Schools


It was all a crazy mistake!

When Claire agreed to go with her new friend Oliver on a weekend expedition it was only meant to be camping in the back yard, but somehow they had ended up a lot further away from home than that!

Here they were in a jungle, without supplies, a mobile or a map, and only that crazy compass with a mind of its own. How were they ever going to get out of this place...

Oh and did I mention that they were being followed?

Join Claire and Oliver on an exciting Book Safari for a musical adventure created to celebrate Children's Book Week 2009. Watch a selection of the 2009 CBC Short Listed Books spring to life in a show that will inspire and involve students of all ages, showing how books can lead the way to answering the questions that everybody asks at some point in their lives. Jungle Bungle is a celebration of life, friendship and the important part books play in helping us find out a little more about who we are.

Jungle Bungle website

  2009: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2009: UK tour - produced by West End In Schools
2010: New Zealand Tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2014: Edinburgh Fringe produced by No Mates Productions

Start your engines... Get set! GO!!

Claire was off before she had time to really understand what she was doing in the race in the first place! She always thought herself to be a particularly ordinary and yet here she was with the roar of engines all around, behind the wheel of solar powered racing car! But one thing is certain - Claire has to overcome all the obstacles set in her way and get past the finish line before B.B. Boswell, even if he has always been the scariest kid in school!

The only thing on her side seems to be the mystery package with the words 'FUEL YOUR MIND' waiting in the glove box...

REV IT UP! is the thrilling new musical adventure created to celebrate 2008 Children's Book Week and its theme Fuel Your Mind. Watch a selection of the 2008 CBC Short Listed books being brought to life in a manner that will engage primary school students of all ages, not only with books and reading, but with the ideas that approaching challenges with a positive attitude can lead to extraordinary results, and that the need to protect our environment is something we all share.

2008: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2009: New Zealand tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2010: UK tour - produced by West End In Schools

Two kids, a dusty old hourglass, and a game they can't escape!

How did the game begin? What are the rules? And who is the mysterious Time Keeper?! So many questions, but Sam and Katie don't just need answers - they HAVE to find their way out of the crazy adventure they seem unable to escape from! As they bounce head-long through time, hurtling from book to book, the only way out appears to be to find their way back to before the game began! If only they hadn't 'READISCOVERED' that hourglass lost by the mysterious Mrs McTock so long ago...

BACK TO BEFORE is a sensational musical adventure created to celebrate the 2007 Children's Book Week theme - READiscover.

  2007: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2008: New Zealand tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2013/4: UK tour - produced by West End in Schools


What starts off as an ordinary day for Jonno is turned totally upside down when he is knocked down by a mysterious figure fleeing from the local library.

He finds himself caught in a mystery in which someone has stolen all the ideas out of every book in the library, leaving it full of blank pages. As he attempts to help the highly strung librarian Marjorie McThwacker in solving the crime Danny finds time and time again that things are not always what they seem.

1997: Singapore tour
1997: Victorian and Western Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2000: Victorian Book Week tour
2006: Australian Book Week tour
2007: New Zealand tour
2007: Singapore tour

Poor Jonno! All his dreams of becoming a pop star look like dissolving when he gets up to perform his original song only to find that it has disappeared...!

To find it he must go to the mysterious Lost And Found room where the extraordinary Coral Clutter propels him into places where books magically spring to life and his imagination takes control! It seems to find his missing song he must unravel the clues hidden in the books which are guarded by the characters in the stories themselves! Will Jonno prevail? Will his desperate adventures lead him back to the music? Will he become the next Australian Idol? These are the questions that can only be answered by an adventurous boy with Stars In His Eyes!

  2005: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2006: New Zealand tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
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When you find a door in your room that wasn't there before, you're bound to ask questions – especially if you are as curious as Jonno Briggs. But what is behind the door? Who is the strange Door Keeper and why is it that every time Jonno asks a question it only leads him deeper into the mystery...?

Join the thrills and spills with Jonno as he jumps through mysterious Doorways into adventures he never imagined could takeplace as book miraculously spring to life in his hands and he is swept away into new and exhilarating worlds. Help Jonno discover the secret that books and reading are keys that will open endless doors…

2004: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2005: New Zealand tour
- produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2005 new zealand tour
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When Jonno discovers a mysterious map, he can see clearly that ‘X’ marks the spot – but what exactly does ‘X’ mark the spot to?

Set sail for adventure on the high seas with Jonno as he crosses Oceans Of Stories in search of the answers. In a journey as exciting and as far reaching as his imagination (and we know how big that is!), meet a parade of madcap maritime characters who show Jonno how books can map out all kinds of thrilling and unexpected adventures.

  2003: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals

What is the recipe for success? What are the ingredients of a good book? What do you get when you cross a cooking program with a story full of unexpected twists and turns?
These are some of the questions Jono must attempt to answer if things are ever going to get back to normal…
2002: Australian Book Week tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals

Unfortunately for both himself and those around him, Kenneth Snatchitt is a very unpleasant lad.

However, just as everyone despairs of him ever changing his ways there is an unexpected event that brings Kenneth face to face with THE CELEBRATION COUNCIL.

The adventure that ensues forces Kenneth to face a few home truths and opens his rather closed mind to the wonderful things that books can bring to those who take the time to enjoy them.

  1995: Victorian and South Australian Book Week tour
Joe is the type of person that doesn’t need to go looking – trouble always seems to find him. The problems that beset him when he starts at a new school seem to have no solution until he finds that a bit of wishful thinking can go a long way when your wishes suddenly start to come true!
1994: Victorian Book Week tour (as It's Magic!)
1995: Papua New Guinea tour
1996: Singapore tour
1998: Victorian and Western Australian Book Week tour


Something of Kate’s is missing. The trouble is she is not sure what it is she has lost. Her efforts to find it brings her to the Lost and Found office where she is sent on an adventure full of unexpected twists and turns where such characters as forgetful George and anxious Miriam help her in the search for the missing whatever.

  1993: Victorian Book Week tour
1999: Victorian Book Week tour


Jonno is a real couch potato whose obsession with watching television and playing computer games almost becomes his undoing when he falls under the influence of the dastardly Digital Media Coordinator Mr. Philbert Sneed.

When circumstances lead Jonno into the library however he encounters the one person who can save him – the heroic (and glamorous) Super Librarian.

The adventure that ensues highlights the limitations of television programming and computer games when contrasted to the freedom and excitement that comes from reading books.

1992: Victorian Book Week tour
1994: Victorian Book Week tour
1995: Papua New Guinea tour
1996: Victorian Book Week tour
1996: Singapore tour
1997: Western Australian tour
2001: Australian Book Week tour
2006: Singapore tour


One show was never going to be enough. A follow-up to the hugely successful That’s It! another exciting crop of biographies from the field of maths and science is presented using music, drama and comedy.

Leonardo Da Vinci, Marie Curie, Louis Pasteur and a crop of local talent including Sir Howard Florey and a special tribute to Australian women in science are celebrated in a revue starring the people who helped shape our modern world.

  1992: Victorian and ACT tour

Just who is the greatest scientist in history?

Bright Sparks attempts to answer that question by looking at the stories of three men from vastly different fields – Edward Jenner, Galileo and Albert Einstein – and concludes that that the answer is not nearly as important as the achievements of scientists in all fields throughout history.

1999: Singapore Science Centre


Nothing wrong with Warren (Wozza to his mates)! As long as he has his Wii, his plasma TV, a full fridge and a comfortable home he's happy and able to follow his dream - to appear on prime time TV. So why won't that wussy, tree hugger Eugene mind his own business and stop banging on about the environment all the time? Surely he can appreciate the fact that Wozza is happy to let other people take care of other things like climate change and carbon emissions while he pursues the most important issues of life - like appearing on Big Brother.

Celebrating National Science Week 2008 and the schools theme Planet Earth - Planet of Change, Get Wet uses music and comedy to address the vital issues of climate change and educating for a sustainable future - something that is a shared responsibility for every individual as Australians and global citizens. The hard facts and figures are presented in a manner that is guaranteed to engage and entertain student audiences while conveying information that will help shape attitudes towards contributing to a responsible environmental future.

  2008: Australian tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals


There is so much in our modern everyday life that we take for granted that owes its existence to the achievements of men and women in the fields of scientific endeavour.

The Great Unknown sets about redressing this oversight by presenting the stories of people behind the things that we see and use everyday in a musical comedy that not only presents the great achievements of characters such as Wallace Hume Carothers who gave the world nylon but answers the intriguing question ‘Who was the man who invented the toothbrush?’

1999: Singapore Science Centre
1999 singapore tour
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A firey exploration of the coldest place on the planet!

Join legendary Australian scientist and explorer Sir Douglas Mawson as he comes to life onstage, captivating students with the dramatic history of the Antarctic Polar Region, its environment and ecosystem, on a quest to understand the link between polar-global interactions and help save the environment!

Along the way meet renowned Antarctic explorers and witness how their heroism paved the way for today's modern communities, making a fundamental contribution to our scientific, physical and social world, and how we live today.

Connecting science and the arts, HOT ICE! educates and entertains, inspiring students with the idea that Antarctic Science is both exhilarating and relevant to our lives today and into the future!

  2007: Australian tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals


Emma arrives at a new school facing new friendship groups while Dylan is spending more time away in his room on the computer. Soon they both will discover how the anonymous cyber world will threaten to take over their lives in a way from which they can see no escape!

MyFriends Dot Com explores the world of cyber-bullying and the importance of cyber-safety in a story that resonates throughout schools and households everywhere.

An exciting and engaging production that uses an energetic, fast paced narrative and contemporary music, MyFriends Dot Com brings into focus these vital issues to alert young people of the dangers and consequences of not taking the cyber world seriously.

2011: Australian tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals
2011: New Zealand tour


Art and science have nothing in common - or do they? In this music-and-humour-filled roadshow, the myth that art and science don't mix is busted as fun demonstrations of light producing colour to waves and vibrations creating sound showcase how one relies on the other in order to create!

  2006: Singapore Science Centre
2007: Singapore tour
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Just who are the people on our bank notes? Take Note is a romp through Australian history as the identities and achievements of the faces that we see every day in our pockets is presented through a series of sketches using both comedy and drama.
1988: Victorian tour
1992: Australian tour
1993: Australian tour

The world of science is full of intrigue, love and passion. That’s It! reveals the lives and achievements of a selection of mathematicians and scientists throughout history.

Sometimes hilarious, sometimes poignant, That’s It! is both an entertainment and a documentary that makes a special point of focusing on the achievements of women in science. Hypatia, Archimedes, Ada Byron Lovelace, Charles Babbage, Sir Isaac Newton and others feature in this fascinating expose of some of history’s greatest minds.

  1990: Mulluna College, Melbourne
1990: UK tour
1991: Australian tour
1992: Australian tour
1998: Singapore tour


During the past 150 years the world has changed dramatically. One of the main contributing factors to this rate of change is the developments in communication technology.

The Web, Wires and Waves Show outlines the history of this development and presents some of the key characters who changed the way the world communicates. Highlighting the human face of technology, The Web, Wires and Waves show also looks at the social changes these developments have brought about in a musical review designed to entertain as well as educate.

1998: Singapore tour
1999: Victorian tour

In 1788 the first wave of immigrants arrived in Australia with the First Fleet - but it took until the gold rush of the 1850s for Australia to really start developing it's multicultural heart!

Join in the adventure through this rollicking period of Australian history, exploring life on the goldfields, Chinese immigration, and the experience of that most overlooked group of immigrants - the women!

True stories from these times spring to life with an award winning writer and company using comedy, music, role-play and audience participation in a show that celebrates both our diversity and the spirit of our intrepid ancestors.

  2006: Australian tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals

The cleaners are in a right Christmas pickle. They’ve arrived at the theatre to prepare to clean up after the Christmas panto only to find the theatre company has gone missing. With no cast, no costumes, no set and pretty much no idea they are really in need of a true Christmas miracle. But then a lucky find begins to turn things around entirely…

West End Pantomania is a brand new interactive musical for schools which brings to life well loved characters and stories from the traditional Christmas pantomime Cinderella. West End Pantomania explores the themes of cooperation, imagination and the true meaning of Christmas whilst celebrating the well loved Christmas tradition of pantomime.

West End Pantomania website

2011: UK tour

Commissioned by DuPont in association with the Singapore Science Centre, What's Cooking? (Inventors and Inventions) develops the idea presented in The Great Unknown by exploring the men and women who feature prominently in the two hundred year history of DuPont and whose research has lead to the invention of everyday items that we take for granted without ever questioning where they originated.

2000: Singapore Science Centre


A musical biography based on the life and achievements of Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein is perhaps the most famous name in modern science. In What’s Going On? the story of his life is presented from his childhood through his unorthodox education and career.

The show also attempts to explain in a way everyone can understand what exactly E=Mc2 means. With original songs and an energetic, comic performance, the life of Einstein will be presented in a way that celebrates his achievements as well as presenting some lesser known facts about his life and times.

2005: Singapore Science Centre
2005 singapore performance
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It's not always fun having to start at a new school but when you're from another planet and you've been dropped right into the middle of it all, being the new kid can be downright difficult!

Throw in a wacky scientist in hot pursuit and this interactive and educational musical adventure takes a humorous look at what it means to be different in your own school.

With heaps of audience participation, comedy, singing and dancing, Who's That Boy? explores themes of bullying and promoting tolerance and understanding between different cultures.

2006: Australian tour - produced by Perform! Educational Musicals






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